Paper Shredding, Prescription Drug Drop Off, Cell Phone Recycling Event

Next Date TBD - Spring 2025
 9:00 - 11:00 am

University of Illinois - Parking Lot E14
(Corner of First and Kirby near the State Farm Center)

$10 donation requested to shred up to 2 bankers' boxes of your personal documents.
$10 donation requested to shred and recycle old cell phones.
Unwanted prescription drugs collected FREE of charge.

Shred Event

The best way to protect yourself against identity theft is to make sure your personal information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. And just a few minutes on your part could make a huge difference. Crime Stoppers believes a proactive approach can save you time, money and aggravation -- and we're here to help through this valuable community service.

For a $10 donation, Crime Stoppers will securely shred up to two bankers' boxes of your private documents.  This includes old income tax records, bank statements, pay stubs, medical records, cancelled checks, legal documents, utility bills, etc. Read our recommended record retention guidelines

To speed up the collection and minimize the lines again this year, Triad Shredding, a local, licensed and bonded shredding company, will be shredding collected documents at their secure, off-site facility.  
Documents are NOT shredded at the collection site. 

A big THANK YOU to Triad Shredding for donating their time, equipment, and services, for supporting Crime Stoppers, and providing this valuable community service!!


 Free Prescription Drug Drop Off

With assistance from the Champaign Police Department and the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), we will also be collecting unused, unwanted, or expired prescription medications to be safely disposed of at this same event. 
Note - ONLY pills or patches can be accepted.  NO liquid medications, needles, or sharps.
This is an important way to prevent pill abuse and theft. You can rid your home of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that remain in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. In addition, other methods of disposing of unused medicines - flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash - both pose potential safety and health hazards. 
No need to remove labels from pill bottles, as everything collected will be incinerated at a safe, secure facility by the DEA. This is a FREE and anonymous service provided by the DEA. No questions asked or monetary donations taken for the prescription drug drop off.

A big THANK YOU to the Champaign Police Department and DEA for providing this valuable service to our community! 


Cell Phone Recycling

Recycling your cell phone with Crime Stoppers is not only a good way to make sure that your personal data won't fall into the wrong hands, but it's also good for the environment!  For a $10 donation, we'll make sure your phone is safely and responsibly recycled.  Triad Shredding will remove the batteries then shred all the phones that are collected. The shredded phone and battery packs will then be recycled properly.